
UnrealCV is an open source project created by Weichao Qiu. It is hosted in Github and everyone is welcomed to contribute.

  • If you want a new feature for your research or found any bug, please submit an issue in the issue tracker.

  • Want to provide a compiled binary for the community? Please read the guidance in Model Zoo.

  • Want to learn how to create a game using Unreal Engine 4? Please check the UE4 official documentation.

Team Members

UnrealCV is developed and maintained by a group of students working on computer vision. The list of all contributors can be found here.

Here is a brief introduction of team members. If you want to be added to here, click the Edit on Github button on the top-right of this page.

  • Weichao Qiu: Constructing virtual worlds to train and diagnose computer vision algorithms

  • Fangwei Zhong: Reinforcement learning in virtual environments

  • Siyuan Qiao: Stochastic virtual scene generation

  • Tae Soo Kim: Deep learning for transferable concepts between the real and the virtual environment

  • Yi Zhang: Algorithm diagnosis with synthetic data

  • Hai Ci: Optimizing the communication pipeline and human pose estimation